Friday, December 30, 2005

Yankee kids! (x3)

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Yankee kids! (x2)

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Yankee kids!

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We love the Yankees!

We took this picture for Daddy's birthday present! We wrapped it and put it on the wall to see if he would find it- but we had to give him clues before he noticed! Eva looks a little like a boy with a baseball outfit on... but I told her not to worry... she has a pink Yankee outfit for the spring! It was the first outfit she owned--before we even knew she was a girl! ( Daddy had a feeling she would be.) Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Our Princess!

Nana & Papa gave Eva this outfit... we've been playing dress up all week! Posted by Picasa

The Fipps Kids

They're all soooooo cute!!! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Eva with her Snowman

This is a special picture for Grama Colleen! She loves her singing snowman as you can see! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Eva and Mommy

Isn't she cute in her little pink snowsuit! She actually likes to wear it! ( so far she doesn't scream about it! ) We were just getting home from Christmas dinner at Jeremy and Jill's house...wide awake at 9 PM! Posted by Picasa

Christmas PJs

Santa brings our PJs every Christmas Eve ( I don't know how he sneaks them in! ) This year he had a little help sewing from an elf named Colleen. It's such a coincidence that the elf's name is the same as Grandma's!! Posted by Picasa

Cute Eva!

Wearing her Christmas PJs. Posted by Picasa

All the presents!

I think Santa dumped his whole bag at our house! Not to mention Papa, Nana, Grandma Colleen and Papa Walt! This photo was at 7 AM-- they actually woke up at 5 AM or so, but we held them off for a while ( stockings take a while too- Santa wraps everything very tightly!! At least to buy time to make coffee!! ) Posted by Picasa

The boys and their toys

These are the presents that the boys bought for each other at the mall with Daddy. They each had their $20 allowance (from the month) and they bought everyone in the family a gift. They went in together to buy Dad a handheld poker game ( and used a coupon! - I'm trying to teach them how to make the most of their money! ) They bought me gloves, a scarf and a hat, and they each bought Eva an outfit. They did a great job with the money they had. Posted by Picasa

Eva's new aquarium toy

She loves it! Posted by Picasa

Friday, December 23, 2005

Making Christmas cookies

We made such a mess!! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Smiling Eva

Isn't she adorable! We love seeing her smile! Posted by Picasa

BJ, Collin, and Eva

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Family Photo

Posted by Picasa Brian even wore a tie for this one! He wasn't very happy about it!

Sitting With Santa

Posted by Picasa Santa asked BJ and Collin if they've been arguing... Collin's eyes got really big and he got a little nervous when he realized he couldn't lie to Santa... he would KNOW!

Christmas 2005

Hope everyone is enjoying the Christmas season! We can't wait for Santa to come to the Fipps' house.